Getting Started

This guide will walk you through the key functionalities of Edexia, helping you get started with setting up, marking, and managing assessments efficiently.

Class Dashboard

  1. New Class: Click on this card to create a new class. This is where you begin the process of setting up a new marking task.
  2. Existing Class: View and manage your existing class. Each card displays important information such as the subject (e.g., Year 12 Biology), the type of assessment (e.g., IA3 Final), and the time since the last update (e.g., 23 minutes ago).

Starting a New Class

  1. Select Year Level: Choose the year level you are marking (Year 10, Year 11, or Year 12). This helps the system tailor the criteria and expectations for the correct academic level.
  2. Assessment Type: Select whether the assessment is a Draft or Final. This affects how the marking will be processed.
  3. Subject: Choose the subject you are marking from the dropdown menu (e.g., Mathematical Methods, Biology). This ensures that the relevant criteria are applied.
  4. Criteria: Select the marking criteria from the available options (e.g., QCAA Criteria, Organization Criteria, or Custom Criteria). This allows for flexibility depending on your specific needs.

Marking Interface

  1. Assessment Document: The uploaded assessment document will be displayed here. You can read through the student's submission as you mark.
  2. Mark Assessment: Click this button to start the marking process. The AI will assist in evaluating the document based on the selected criteria.

Criteria View

  1. Criteria Breakdown: This section displays the detailed criteria for marking the assessment. Each criterion is broken down with specific descriptors to guide your marking.
  2. Mark Assessment: Click this button to apply the marks based on the criteria. The system will help you ensure consistency and accuracy in marking.

Feedback Sheet

  1. Criteria: Lists the criteria being marked, such as "Research and Planning: Rationale" or "Analysis and Interpretation: Identification of Evidence."
  2. Marks: Assign marks for each criterion using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. This allows you to fine-tune the scoring for each specific area.
  3. Justification: Enter a justification for the marks assigned. This is where you provide a rationale for your scoring, which is helpful for transparency and for the student’s understanding.
  4. Feedback: Provide detailed feedback to the student. This section is crucial for helping students understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Feedback should be constructive and specific.
  5. Send: After completing the marking and feedback, click the send button to submit the results. This will finalize the assessment and make the feedback available to the student.

Continuing Your Workflow

After completing the marking and feedback for an assessment, you can click on another assessment on the sidebar to continue marking. Once all assessments are marked, you can download the results from the top right navigation. This allows you to efficiently manage and review multiple assessments, ensuring that your workflow is streamlined and organized.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Edexia

What about data privacy and security?
We understand the sensitive nature of this information and have implemented robust measures to protect it. Our approach is unique: Edexia learns like a teacher, not an AI, which means we never train on your data. Your information remains exclusively yours and stays within your school, allowing you to use Edexia just as you would any other assessment submission platform. We also ensure that no unsecured third-party access is allowed. All your uploaded assessments are stored securely on Australian servers, encrypted in transit, and access is audited. For more details, please refer to our Legal pages.
How much time does it take for teacher to learn? 
We have designed Edexia to be as intuitive as possible. Marking with Edexia is like moderating a colleague; you interact with it just as you would with another teacher. This means there is effectively nothing new to learn. Combined with our continuous efforts to optimise the user interface, Edexia is so intuitive that most teachers don't even need a demo to understand how to use it. Nevertheless, we provide constant and immediate support to every school we work with, just in case.
How many assignments before Edexia starts saving me time?
Hopefully, zero. Our goal is to make Edexia as accurate as possible right from the start by using any information provided during the upload process. Even if Edexia is entirely inaccurate initially, you only need to press one button and talk to it. It will then convert your input into perfectly written feedback for the student. So, even when it's not fully accurate, it acts as an AI scribe, helping you write feedback more efficiently. Over time, Edexia learns and progressively becomes more accurate, saving you even more time.
Does Edexia integrate with our existing educational tools like our LMS/SIS?
Yes, we work with each of our schools to integrate seamlessly into their existing marking workflow, minimising change management and ensuring a smooth, quick, and painless implementation of the technology.
Can Edexia be used in any subject or year level?
Yes. Edexia learns by understanding how you think. As long as the teacher is thinking critically while marking, rather than arbitrarily assigning marks, Edexia can learn and follow that thought process. This process may take longer in more complex and nuanced cases, but the underlying approach remains the same.
Can I trust the accuracy of Edexia's grading?
Yes, because the teacher moderates its output and remains ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the mark. When you first use Edexia, its accuracy may need some improvement. However, as you continue to use the platform, you'll notice it improving and may even begin to trust its judgment—potentially more than your own at some point. Since you are the one training Edexia, it simply learns how you want to mark and follows that consistently.
What if the teacher does not moderate Edexia?
We can track exactly how the platform is being used, how much time a teacher is spending on an assignment, and how many moderations are being made. School leaders can then review this information to ensure it is being used properly.
Can I change my plan later?
Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.
What is your cancellation policy?
Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.
Can other info be added to an invoice?
Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.
How does billing work?
Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.
How do I change my account email?
Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.